Opening Day Ceremonies
Opening Day at Highlands Little League is an opportunity for all ages to come together and celebrate the start of another season. The day is a combination of baseball, community bbq, team photos and some not-so baseball activities for the younger kids including bouncy castles and face painting.
As always, all activities are volunteer led and sponsor supported and we would like thank both for making this day wonderful for the players, parents and friends. As well, we would like to encourage those who may be just joining Highlands or have not volunteered in the past, to please step forward and become part of the incredibly hardworking group of parents who bring this day to life.
April 14th, 2018 Schedule
9:00am - 11:00 am - Set up, fun, fun, fun.
11:00am - Opening Day begins - come for bbq lunch, activities, etc.
12:00pm - 12:20pm - President's Welcome
12:40pm - Opening Ceremonies; Little League Oath, National Anthem, ceremonial first pitch
1:00 - 3:00 AAA game
3:00 - 4:00 Close down/clean up
There are still a few volunteer spots available for opening day: